We all know the drill; someone gets sick, misses school or work, done and over with this horrible head cold and need my life back, started a fever over the weekend, and now it’s Monday morning and we’re calling the doctor. Often times, unless we’re completely in the dark as to what is going on, we don’t even necessarily desire to have the doctor see us – we just want the golden script – we want the doctor to call in a prescription to our local pharmacy where we know the pharmacy tech by name and then we know we’re on the road to recovery. Easy peasy.
Have you ever taken a step back from this process and wondered if this was indeed the best course of action for your health or the health of your child? Is a prescription from the doctor the best care you or your child can receive? Is there another option?
It’s no secret that prescription medications have side effects. Often, the list of possible side effects is below the usage and directions, and is often at least twice the length of those instructions. In fact, the number of medications that are removed from our shelves every year because of the harm they cause gets longer every year.
There are many alternatives to prescription medications that have absolutely zero side effects. Now there is certainly the argument that states that common prescriptions are cheap, there are inexpensive co-pays at the doctor’s, and it might take longer to heal, but there are certainly counter arguments to each of those debates. Perhaps comparatively the charge of a common prescription is cheaper than a bottle of vitamins or a chiropractic adjustment, however when you consider the long term cost of wear on your body or perhaps follow up medication because the first round didn’t work, the cost is a mute debate. Often the chiropractor adjustment, the essential oils, or the acupuncture have even provided immediate or same day results whereas the prescription can take several days to work fully.
Essentially the argument overall boils down to whether or not the treatment of symptoms is worth the “ease” that can be destroying your body, meanwhile the alternative care options that can actually treat the underlying cause of the symptoms usually will also heal and replenish your body systems.
Tags: Acupuncture, chiropractor adjustment, essential oils, headache, migraine, migraine headaches, migraine treatment, prescription medications, side effects
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