There is no shame with wanting to know what causes the intense levels of head pain felt on a regular basis. Knowledge is power and if a patient knows that is causing his or her head pain each month then maybe just maybe something can be done to help lessen or prevent the pain from coming back. Migraine headaches are one of those chronic conditions that affect millions of men and women each year. Migraine headaches are debilitating and can leave an individual incapacitated for several days.
The problem is that chronic migraine suffers seek out answers but they are often not happy with the answers they receive. Migraine headaches are common occurrences yet there is much about a migraine attack that the medical world and medical professionals still do not understand, such as what causes a migraine attack. The cause of a migraine attack is still under investigation however there has been evidence or links to causes surface within the last several years. For example, studies have shown that individuals with lower levels of magnesium are prone to have migraine attack on a regular basis. An easy fix for a situation such as this would be to implement a magnesium supplement as part of the individual’s daily routine.
Migraine triggers are thought to be factors that play a role in the onset of a migraine headache. Triggers are not referred to as migraine causes, however research has showed that certain environmental and physiological upsets known as triggers do have an effect on migraine development. Migraine triggers are everywhere and hard to avoid, this is why it is imperative that chronic migraine sufferers be made aware of what migraine triggers are and which ones affect him or her personally so that a preventative migraine treatment could be implemented.
- Stress
- Sleep – not enough sleep, too much sleep or interrupted sleep all play a role in the onset of a migraine.
- Fasting – going without food for an extended period of time
- Weather – drop or change in barometric temperature
- Lighting – flashing or strobe lighting
- Hormones – women during their monthly cycle may develop a menstrual migraine as a result of fluctuating estrogen levels.
- Smells
- Foods
Tags: Chronic migraine, headache, migraine, migraine attack, migraine headaches, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, Migraines, treating migraines
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