It is so difficult to remain strong all the time. There are those moments in life that just call for a good cry or whine session. For those who promote themselves as tough and hard nailed, it can be even more therapeutic to take one day a year to just have a good cry and get it all out of your system. For others, every month is a good time to give in and have you a good crying session. Migraine headaches are painful and there are those months when the migraine seems much more painful than normal.
Migraine headaches are indeed painful and the reason being that the pain that shoots through the head as a result of the migraine is neurologically based. Unlike headaches a migraine can change the chemical balances in the brain. How? As a migraine develops, several things happen in and to the body such as the blood vessels in the brain begin to expand or enlarge causing severe throbbing / pounding in the head. As the blood vessels in the brain enlarge, they release a harmful chemical into the brain. The released chemical begins to attack the brains arteries intensifying the pain being felt in the head. The brains arteries fight back by setting off a spiral of painful and debilitating symptoms.
Migraine symptoms are what force a person into seclusion during the duration of a migraine. Symptoms may start out mild but over the course of the migraine which could be up to three days the symptoms worsen.
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Cognitive Confusion
- Blurred Vision
- Sensitivity to light and sound
Seeking seclusion during a migraine attack is the norm for most migraine sufferers, but does it have to be? Does a migraine patient have to give in to the pain and torment over and over again or is there a treatment that could help lessen the pain? Migraine treatment is the only effective way a person can win the battle over a migraine headache. Treatment can come in many forms, methods and approaches so it is important that advice be sought from a medical professional before use.
Tags: Chronic migraine, headache, migraine, migraine headaches, migraine relief, Migraine Support Formula, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, migraine triggers, Migraines, Prescription medication, treating migraines
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