The very word migraine, when spoken to an individual who suffers from them, can bring about thoughts of apprehension and fear. A migraine is not just a simple headache, in fact the definition of migraine is known as a severe, pulsating headache, that is often associated with autonomic symptoms and is usually unilateral (only affecting one of half of the head) in nature, with most attacks often lasting anywhere from four to seventy two hours. Often those who suffer from migraine headaches will experience other symptoms such as blurred vision, dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea, vomiting, as well as sensitivity to light and/or sound. Of course there is never a “good time” for a migraine headache to occur, however most of the time these attacks take place at the most in opportune times in an individual’s life and will negatively affect their time with family, friends, or their workplaces.
The majority of migraine headaches will often begin as the result of certain triggers or warning signs. If an individual can recognize and understand what their particular triggers and warning signs are then living life with less (or hopefully no) migraine headaches can become possible.
How Migraine Headaches can be Treated
Without proper treatment an individual’s migraine headaches and painful symptoms can spiral out of control. Left untreated migraine headaches can often lead to an individual having to take multiple sick days at a job, missed time with friends or family, not to mention the unexpected nature of never knowing when one of their migraine headaches might take place. Even after the migraine headaches are “over” individuals often have feelings of severe exhaustion, depression, or the inability to think correctly as well as the general feeling of being “hung over”.
Any individual who is regularly or chronically suffering from migraine headaches should seek the help of a qualified physician in order to receive the proper diagnosis and best care possible. Migraine headaches do not have to control an individual’s life; there are many treatment options available that will help to eliminate the occurrence of the migraine headaches or in the very least lessen the severity of these migraine headaches when one breaks through. Some of the most common options for the treatment of migraine headaches are medication, herbal treatments, massage therapy, chiropractic therapy, acupuncture, stress management, and even biofeedback. With the addition of supplements like Vitamin B2, Magnesium, Coenzyme Q10, or 5-hydroxytryptophan the painful suffering from migraine headaches can be managed and individuals can get back to a normal life without migraine headaches constantly interrupting.
Tags: Acupuncture, chiropractic therapy, Coenzyme Q10, herbal treatments, Magnesium, Massage Therapy, migraine, migraine headaches, Migraine Support Formula, or 5-hydroxytryptophan, stress management
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