Migraine headaches can commonly be caused by hormone changes during pregnancy. While doctors are able to pinpoint what change the body is going through during these migraine headaches, doctors are unable to explain why these migraine headaches occur in just some women. Very rarely migraine headaches can be a sign of a more serious condition. If the migraine headache occurs with a fever, persists for more than a few hours, returns frequently or experienced with blurred vision a doctor should be contacted. These symptoms can be signs of a more serious condition. However, patients should let a doctor know about these headaches or any other unusual symptoms.
Pregnancy and migraine treatment
The biggest suggestion is for migraine headache sufferers to keep a diary. This diary should include when the headache started, how long it lasted, what appears to have triggered it. The purpose of this diary is to learn what triggers the migraine headaches and then avoid to the trigger. Several common triggers include stress, chocolate, aged cheese, caffeine, the weather and unfortunately hormones. These triggers are different for everyone, so a food diary may initially be helpful as well.
There are several common home remedies that can be very helpful to pregnant women. Doctors suggest applying a cold towel on the forehead, taking a cold shower, taking a nap, exercising, talking to a doctor about biofeedback, and relaxation techniques like meditation or yoga.
Many prescription medications are unsafe for pregnant and nursing women. However, the over-the-counter medicine of choice is acetaminophen, or Tylenol. It is still best for pregnant women to speak with a doctor before taking any medications. SootheAway is also a common suggestion. It is a pain relief system that delivers either heat or cold consistently to the forehead. This can also be achieved with a hot or cold compress that is applied to the forehead, sides of the head, eyes or along the back of the neck. This is actually said to be the best way to reduce and relieve the pain associated with a migraine headache.
Only a doctor can properly diagnose migraine headaches. They are also able to determine the risk to the unborn baby when prescribing any medications or other treatments.
Tags: Acupuncture, chiropractic care, Massage Therapy, migraine headaches, Migraine Support Formula, migraine treatment
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