Living with migraine headaches can be a pretty big burden to bear, especially if you are normal and have a life with responsibilities. You just can’t abandon things when you are practically incapacitated by the onslaught of a migraine attack, but unfortunately this is exactly what happens. Life is put on hold when your migraine raises its ugly head, unless you understand how a migraine works and be ready to reduce their effectiveness at a moment’s notice. A vascular headache or migraine is initiated when the sufferer encounters a migraine trigger. These triggers are environmental or physiological in nature and can be identified because they are always something we can sense internally or externally. Some of the known triggers can include: bright light, loud noises, certain foods, caffeine, smells like body odor or cigarette smoke, weather changes, humidity, dry air, hunger, stress, lack of sleep or even too much. Now even though these migraine-catalyzing triggers can be identified, they can’t all be avoided all of time. So what can you do?
So What?
Because once these triggers have been encountered by the migraine sufferer, the migraine process will begin first with blood vessels in the brain expanding. As they expand and enlarge, they cause a chemical to be released into the brain which attacks the arteries in the brain and inflames the trigeminal nerve. This is what causes immense pain associated with migraine headaches but pain is not the only symptom; here are a few more symptoms a migraine sufferer might have endure: vomiting, constipation, blurred vision, loss of motor function, nausea, vertigo, dizziness, blindness in one eye, fatigue and even loss of cognitive reasoning. These symptoms and pain will not stop until the balance is restored and the blood vessels that started the problem return back to their original size and viscosity.
Some Relief
Relief can only be found in the use of migraine treatments, since there is no cure. If you use your migraine treatment on a regular basis, you will be able to drastically reduce the drama experienced by the migraine. The problem lies with choosing the right migraine treatment because some of the treatments out there come with some pretty serious side effects. I recommend that you consult with your primary care physician to determine which migraine treatment in the best for you.
Tags: enlarged blood vessels, headache, migraine headaches, migraine relief, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, nausea, pounding, Throbbing, treating migraines
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