Vascular headaches reference a group of conditions in which pain is caused by blood vessel dilation. When the vessels swell during this process it causes the nerves that are wrapped around the vessels to stretch. When these nerves stretch, they release chemicals that cause pain, inflammation, and then enlarge the vessels even further. They are usually classified as a throbbing headache that increases in pain during physical exertion. Vascular headaches include migraine headaches, toxic headaches and cluster headaches.
Migraine headaches
Migraine headaches can cause irritability, depression, food cravings and neck stiffness. Migraine headaches can last for hours to several days. They typically can cause intense pain on one side of head, throbbing pain, sensitivity to light, sensitivity to sound, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, light-headness and even fainting. Migraine headaches can be debilitating and difficult to control.
Toxic headaches
Toxic headaches are typically caused by fever from acute bacterial illnesses. They can also be caused from being exposed to different chemicals such as fumes, pollution or even allergies. Symptoms to toxic headaches may not appear for years. Sometimes even small exposures over a period of time can lead to a toxic headache. Treatments vary depending of the cause of the toxic headache. At times it can require a change in environment. A common treatment type is caffeine, although depending on the cause it could be ineffective.
Cluster headaches
Cluster headaches appear as a sudden and severe headache. Pain typically is located on one side of the head and can be sharp, burning and steady. Cluster headaches can occur daily and around the same time each day. Many times the headache begins a few hours after going to sleep. Cluster headaches are always accompanied by drooping eyelid, pupil constriction, tearing in the eye, runny nose and even facial blushing, swelling or sweating. All of these symptoms occur on the same said of the head as the pain. Common treatments for cluster headaches include steroids, pain relievers, pure oxygen and injections.
Overall, vascular headaches greatly vary from person to person and in different situations. They may all have the same essential cause but they are experienced with a whole range of symptoms.
Tags: Chronic migraine, headache, migraine, migraine classification, migraine headaches, Migraine Medication, nausea, neurological condition, symptoms, treating migraines, vascular headache
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