Why was the blonde staring at the orange juice container? Because it said to ‘concentrate’.” This was one of my favorite jokes as a kid and it still makes me laugh today. This is not to say blondes are dumb or lack intelligence but to introduce one of the most frustrating symptoms of migraine that a person can experience. You have heard the phrase, “A mind is a terrible thing to waste.” Well, this is what happens when you have migraine; your mind wastes away by your loss of concentration. Due to the pain caused by the migraine, you can barely think enough to put sentences together let alone solve problem or make decisions. Some of the other symptoms that are associated with migraine are the following: nausea, vomiting, loss of motor function, sensitivity to light dizziness, blurred vision and of course, inconceivable pain. In order to eliminate the migraine and minimize the symptoms, you must avoid the triggers and strive to follow your migraine treatment plan as specified by your doctor. Now, triggers are tricky and can sneak up on you at a moment’s notice. Some triggers are easy to avoid while others are more difficult hide from. Here are some of the known triggers: cigarette smoke, certain foods, caffeine, alcohol, weather changes, bright light, neck / back tension, sleep depravity, some smells and even humidity or dry air.
Directions, Please?
Have you ever been lost on the road and needed to ask for directions? Well, that’s too bad; as for me, I’ve never been lost or at least never needed to ask for directions… Your migraine treatment plan is like a road map to end you up at a migraine-free destination. However, like a road map, sometimes you need to ask for directions. So I would recommend that you consult first with your primary care physician and then determine which migraine treatment would suit you best. Acupuncture, massage therapy and chiropractic adjustment are good options as they don’t have many side effect and give almost instant results for migraine stress. Prescription meds, such as triptans and ergots, are ok but cause many times, more trouble that they are worth as they come with many side effects. The best migraine treatment with the least amount of side effect and a proven tract record of success is the Migraine Support Formula.
Tags: Acupuncture, chiropractic adjustments, Chronic migraine, Feverfew, migraine attack, migraine headaches, Migraine Support Formula, symptoms, treating migraines
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