It is easy to confuse symptoms for one thing when it is actually something altogether different. Migraine headaches are one of those conditions that produce symptoms that can often be misdiagnosed for something else. For those who are not accustomed to migraine headaches, it can be even more difficult to determine whether or not the head pain being felt is indeed a migraine, sinuses or just a tension headache. In order to help make an informed diagnosis it is important to know what the actual symptoms of a migraine headache are.
Migraine symptoms begin with mild warning sign none of which are painful – at first. The first few migraine symptoms are often physiological in nature and have to do with bodily changes and bodily response therefore they are easily misread or explained away. These discreet migraine symptoms often occur several days before any actual head pain. Preemptive migraine symptoms would include:
- Fatigue
- Obsessive Yawning
- Food Cravings
- Hyperactivity
- Increased Irritability
- Bouts Of Depression
Preemptive migraine symptoms are easy to miss yet are still prevalent and should be taken serious. It is during the first few symptoms that a migraine headache is most successfully treated and if treated correctly, it could reduce the duration and severity of the migraine.
Popular Migraine Symptoms
The more popular migraine symptoms most defiantly would include severe head pain, but before the actual climatic severe head pain begins there is still a few other subtle migraine symptoms most miss. Subtle migraine symptoms such as blurred vision, black spots behind the eyes, dizziness and visual difficulties often occur just a few short hours before the severe migraine head pain begins and threatens to destroy one’s ability to focus and remain upright.
Once the worst of the migraine symptoms begin the migraine suffer struggles to remain upright and active. Migraine symptoms range from bad to worse and only strengthen over time. The climatic migraine symptoms would include:
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Constipation
- Sensitivity to light/sound
- Cognitive Confusion
- Throbbing / Pounding Head Pain
- Paleness
Once the climatic migraine symptoms have passed, the weary migraine sufferer is left with a few lingering symptoms such as exhaustion, mild head pain, muscle weakness and cloudiness of the mind. As you can imagine, a migraine is no joy ride and once the actual symptoms are recognized than the migraine sufferer can speak to his / her doctor about possible migraine treatments.
Tags: Chronic migraine, migraine, migraine headaches, migraine relief, migraine symptoms, migraine treatment, nausea, pounding, symptoms, Throbbing, treating migraines
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